Seven things Jesus did in 2023 through the Look Up Tour with Will Graham


·       Jesus reminded His church of His mission to seek and save the lost and that He makes His disciples fishers of men.

·      Jesus answered prayers for salvation of the lost throughout the region (see notes 1 & 5).

·      Jesus brought 110 churches in SE Idaho and Western Wyoming together to work with each other for the sake of the gospel (see notes 2 & 6).

·     Jesus prepared and encouraged more than 1300 people to share their faith (see note 3).

·    Jesus brought thousands of people to the three meetings in Idaho Falls to hear the gospel (see notes 4 & 6).

·     Jesus displayed the unity of the body of Christ in and around Idaho Falls by pastors and other leaders working together before, during and after the meetings September 23 & 24.

·     Jesus saved hundreds of people (see notes 5 & 6).

Notes and sources

(1)  Monthly prayer meetings were held at different churches in Idaho Falls and in other cities starting in November, 2022. Weekly prayer meetings were held on the 1st, 3rd 4th and 5th Tuesdays at noon each month from January through October.

(2) Rett Nelson, East Idaho News, Sept. 22, 2023, Billy Graham’s grandson inviting locals to ‘Look Up’ in eastern Idaho this weekend;

(3) Kali Zakariasen, Will Graham Event Energizing Churches Ahead of This Weekend’s Idaho Falls Outreach; September 22, 2023;

(4) Total attendance at the three meetings was 5,630 as per email from Todd Wood Sept. 27, 2023. See also

(5) As per Todd Wood’s email of Sept. 27, 2023, 612 decisions for God were made. Out of those 612 decisions, 437 were connected to first time trusting in Jesus for salvation. An additional 249 responses were received from online viewers, as per the same email.  Also, an unknown number of people were saved prior to and after the September meetings through personal evangelism of the 1300 people who attended the Christian Life and Witness Class.

(6) Trevor Freeze, Finding a New Identity in Idaho, September 25, 2023;


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