Donald Patterson


Donald Dewayne Patterson was born in Idaho Falls and died in Idaho Falls. He grew up attending Community Church of God in Christ with his family, and died on August 25, 2017, surrounded by his family singing songs of glory.

Prior to becoming the pastor of Community COGIC, he served as their youth pastor, choir director and Sunday school superintendent, all the time (until 6 weeks before his death) holding down telecommunication jobs, at Mountain Bell Telephone, then at the Idaho National Laboratory, and then at University of Idaho offices at University Place in Idaho Falls.

Don graduated from Bonneville High School in 1966 and Idaho State University in 1972, with a degree in Business Administration. In both high school and college, Don was a member of school choirs and a frequent soloist. He knew at a young age that he would someday be a pastor, and at age 33, Don experienced a call to ministry and began to prepare, becoming the pastor of Community COGIC twelve years later and serving in that position for the next twenty-four years.

From an interview in 1994:

As one of only two black pastors in Idaho Falls, Patterson has been pleased with the steady growth of attendance in his church.  He says the weekly Bible study class attendance has grown and members are continuing to take part in church-related activities.[1]

Don believed in the power of music to enhance worship, and used his baritone voice to sing God's praises.  In college he was a member of ISU’s choir and in some of their concerts sang solos. He was a member of the Idaho Falls Symphony Chorale.  His church choir had many invitations to sing at civic events.  In 1995 their reputation had reached Nashville, and he was called by a company in Nashville asking if his choir would perform at a music festival at the Grand Targhee Resort, which they did.[2] That report quoted Don:

“I always have to refer back to the Bible and I refer back to David. David was a great instrumentalist. Scripture says that when he would play before King Saul, and a mean spirit would be in King Saul, and David would play until that mean spirit was subdued by the praises or the instrumental music of the Lord. Music brings a focus, and truly we are singing about our Creator, our Lord and Savior. We’re singing about His blessings, His goodness and that focus does something to the inner spirit of men and women. It brings everyone into the same level of gratitude and praise, a oneness.”[2]

Don also believed in the power of prayer, in his church, for his church, for individuals, for the community, and with anyone who wanted to pray.  For a number of years he opened his church at noon on Wednesdays to join with others from the INL to pray during their lunch hour. He was also a frequent prayer leader at National Day of Prayer events in Idaho Falls.

In 2015 Don told me, “I have never had the desire to live anywhere else.  This is a positive place to live.”[3]  And he served the Lord by serving in numerous ways in Idaho Falls.  From the 1994 interview:[1]

Don has volunteered his time with the Speakers Bureau for Martin Luther King School programs through the NAACP. He was also secretary of the organization.  He is presently a member of the board of the East-Central Idaho Planning and Development Association, member of the Mayor’s Cultural Awareness and Human Relations Committee, board member of Family Care Counseling Center, and member of the Idaho Falls Symphony Chorale.  In the past he has been president of the Idaho Falls East Kiwanis Club and chairman of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and honorary member.

His obituary[4] adds that he was a founder of the African American Alliance promoting unity, fairness and equality. He also led Bible studies at the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission.

A 2014 news report noted, “Pastor Don Patterson said he wanted to give back to the community with a monthly breakfast for some time now. He said Easter weekend was a perfect time to start the church's mission.”[5] The monthly community breakfast continued for 6 months.

Don gave a lot to the Christian community and whole community of Idaho Falls, because of his love for Jesus, and because of Jesus’s love flowing through Don.  He shared with me two verses that he says governed his walk with the Lord: Nehemiah 8:10 - for the joy of the Lord is your strength, and Ephesians 4:3 - endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

(If you knew Don and would like to add to this account of how Jesus used him in Idaho Falls, please contact me or send me submissions at 


[1] “Don Patterson Takes Time to Help Others,” EG&G Bulletin, June 20, 1994.

[2] John O’Connell, “Area church singers perform with musician,” [at one time this story was available at, but is no longer; if you want to read it, contact Charles.]

[3] Conversation with Charles, January, 2015.

[4] Published in the Post Register Aug. 29 & Aug. 30, 2017.

[5] Local 8 News Team, April 20, 2014,


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