
Showing posts from December, 2024

Idaho Falls and Jesus’ Great Commission

  How has Jesus’ Great Commission motivated men and women who were called to Idaho Falls and sent from Idaho Falls to other nations?   How have pastors challenged the church in Idaho Falls to respond to Jesus’ Great Commission? The rich history of missions to Eagle Rock, Southeast Idaho and Idaho Falls began with Rebecca Mitchell. [1]   Soon after attending the first session of the Missionary Training School in Chicago the winter of 1880-1881, she came west to Eagle Rock and never returned to her home state of Illinois.   While she did not need to learn a new language or the ways of a foreign culture, she was an example of fulfilling a missionary calling in numerous other ways.   She sought the good of the community; she got to know people and families; she learned and wrote about the history of Eagle Rock and southeastern Idaho.   The people of Eagle Rock became her family and her home.   She saw the needs of Eagle Rock and Idaho and addressing thos...