
Showing posts from July, 2024

Grand Celebration – Anniversary of the Nation’s Birth at Idaho Falls

  From The Idaho Falls Times, Thursday, July 4, 1895, page 1: The Fires of patriotism were again replenished yesterday and they burned as brightly as ever. One of the most enjoyable celebrations the town of Idaho Falls has ever had was participated in by a large crowd of patriotic citizens.   The weather up to noon was all that could be wished for.   In the afternoon the wind commenced to blow and gradually increased until nearly sundown.   Dust and sand filled the air but the enthusiasm of the crowd was little affected.   It is said that one can get used to every hardship, and as the clouds of sand and dirt filled the air sifting gently into the ears and down the backs of the necks of the celebrators, the truth of the aphorism was accentuated, as all was enjoyment and none retreated before the blinding clouds of dust that filled the eyes and seemed to permeate everything but the impervious patriotism of the people. The program of the day was elaborate and was c...